Thursday, September 13, 2007

Monday, September 3, 2007

texturing WIP

Heres a start on my texture for my Semaj model,
so far i like how the face is turning out and the white shirt. however the jeans, jacket and the arms still need a lot of work.
Also, the hair is yet to be started.

Sound recording

Last Audio class I recorded my characters lines from my script.
Semaj's voice was myself (James Buckingham)
and Vesu's voice was played by Huggy.
All in all i'm pleased with how the recording session went and the sounds should be very easy to put in my final production of my machinima.

Character Model

Heres a rendered picture of my Semaj character model.
The model itself is completed and at this point in time needs to be textured.
The polygon count is 2224 tris. i set a goal to not go over 3000 as most games that are able to be modified to import custom character models support 3000. So if i wanted to in future i could put this model into other games.

UV MAPS completed

Here is the completed texture map for the UV mapping of my character model of Semaj.
Everything on the model has been mapped out successfully and fitted into this map.
There was still room to fit more UV mapping but i couldn't think of how i could change what i have to make use of the extra space.


Machinima Script By James Buckingham


Lord Vesu Vius is at a table looking over some maps of the local area.

Vesu Vius:

Ah ha, another town has surrendered itself to me, after a few more have been conquered then I can begin my attack at the throne!

hahahahaha, this small town to the north east shall be the next target"


Guards begin to set them selves up blocking off any entrances and exits to the town, thereby making sure no one can get in or out of the town


Semaj begins walking through the town looking for a way out


"Those guards think they can take over my town huh. well if I can find the pelte' relic then ill be able to save my village!"

Semaj sees a pile of boxes and uses them to jump over the town wall and runs into the forest


Semaj journeys through the forest until he eventually finds the cave known as Pelte's Tomb.

Semaj Enters the Cave.


Semaj creeps through the dark dungeon and notices that most of the torches on the wall have recently been lit.

So he gets out his P90 Machine gun and proceeds with caution.

Afar he sees a dark figure in the shadows.

Next thing he knows a missile flies out of the shadows at his direction, and JUST dodges it.

Then the missiles are repeatable shot at him from the same direction.

Semaj Dashes out of the way and begins running and finds refuge behind a stone pillar.

Semaj then jumps out and runs towards the shooter while dodging the missiles, then he jumps in the air and shoots at the enemy.

Bringing the enemy down to his knee he gets closer and discovers that the enemy is Lord Vesu Vius searching for the same relic that he is.


"Noo, I Refuse to Lose when I’ve come this far to getting my hands on that throne!!

I am one of the Four Lords of the Kabokin Kingdom!! I Will not lose to some punk Kid!"

Vesu Vius raises his gun and begins firing at Semaj

Semaj quickly jumps over the missiles and rolls in front of Vesu Vius and shoots at his hand

Vesu Vius drops his gun, which Semaj quickly picks up. Aims both weapons at Lord Vius and fires at point blank range.

Vesu Vius Falls to the ground dead.

Semaj continues on to the next room of the dungeon and finds the relic that he was after and once obtaining it quickly hurries back to his village


Semaj runs towards the position of the guards and points the relic in their direction hoping for the best.

the guards turn their attention towards Semaj and prepare to fire, meanwhile the relic begins glowing and starts shooting out magic like sparks towards the knights which sends all the guards falling to the ground on fire.

Semaj saves the day!!